2022 Holiday Photo Cards
10% OFF orders of 100 qty or more
Includes Blank White Envelopes
Pick up *or* Ships in 3-4 business days from approval to print!
Work one-on-one with a designer to change text, photos, colors
Min 20 QTY
Guest Addressing available!
Questions, Just Ask: shop@madetokeep.com
1. Choose Your Favorite Design from Options below (scroll down or right)
Simply email us to get started... or....
2. CLICK HERE to check out with your design #, QTY, wording, and special requests in the box provided. USE CODE: NEW10 for 10% OFF
3. We will email you to get photos or additional items requested (invoice will be sent) and send your proof in 1 business day to approve.
4. Schedule pick up or shipping: Flat Rate $5
THANK YOU for supporting our local small business!